Sunday, June 20, 2010

Long time…


I haven’t blogged in so long. In fact the last time I blogged was on my blogger page the day I ended up giving birth.

I guess I caught caught up, y’know, being a Mum and all.

Lillian-Rose Hikari Stafford (Weighing 8 lb 7oz & 52 cm long) was born at 12:33am on Feb 5th 2010.

I don’t have much time to blog tonight, but I never do so I keep putting it off. But lets just say this for now, birth was *a lot* easier than I thought it would be! Labour was 5-6 hours long, and I gave birth 3 hours after arriving at hospital. I wasn’t sure how I’d go so I asked to prepare an epidural (as they take a few hours to organise and I was starting to get mighty uncomfortable) but as soon as I asked my water broke and I needed to push, about 15-30mins later she was born, completely drug free. And really? I was lucky, it didn’t hurt, it just felt uncomfortable. However the pushing part was fast, it DID hurt. It feels exactly like what it is, like pushing a watermelon out of your arse. But the contractions? No biggie :)


Post-natal woes were *a lot* more difficult, I had violent PND & Anxiety 2 hours after giving birth and it has only just started to settle down now. Lily-Rose went to emergency and almost died at 3 days old from dehydration, I had terrible troubles breast feeding her so decided to exclusively express while on Domperidone (medication to bring in milk supply) but I soon realised it took AGES, I was chained to my breast pump and had no damn time to sleep. Getting up at 11pm, 2am, 4am and 7am to pump breasts for an hour a go and not even get enough for a bottle… ugh.
I was also in emergence in the first weeks as they thought I was haemorrhaging, but thankfully I wasn’t. Oh and don’t START me on the night sweats, ew.

Needless to say everyone is happy now, She is 4.5 months old. She’s on S26 Gold formula (was on NAN HA, but after a few weeks she decided to starve herself on it, docs said it was reflux and not to change formula, we ignored them and we ended up correct – phew!)


So anyway, I was going to blog from when she was a newborn till now. but life happens, doesn’t it?

Things have been full on, and it’s so easy to push it aside because you simply don’t have time, are sleep deprived or you are just going plain nuts…. but I thought about it today and I keep forgetting when she did this, or that… and I realise how INSANELY fast she is growing up. It’s scary! As much as I terribly hated the newborn phase (the first 6 weeks were the utter pits, I don’t care what anyone tells you lol) I feel a little sad that she’s already so big, I feel like I’ll blink my eyes and she’ll be moving out.


I came to a sad realisation today. When she took the bottle or breast she’d always stare straight into your soul and grab your glance and never move. Now she’s darting her eyes every which way around the room and no matter how much you call her she won’t look at you. She’s too clever, but I’ll really miss that.

But yeah… I love her so much :) I’m back blogging now, thank goodness – and everyday is always packed with something new and exciting, that’s what I love the most about her, she keeps you on your toes!

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