Monday, June 21, 2010

Sooo sleepy

First “Solids” today! Yeah, she’s only 4.5 month, but she’s been itching for it, take it from me. Everyone (including Brentyn) thinks she’s probably not into it.. but trust me, I’m with her 24/7, this little girl wants to nom!! When I was eating a Banana in Phillip Island last weekend she was grabbing bits on her own and popping them in her mouth, a couple of bits got swallowed, so I thought it must be time for a try at solids.

I was going to give her farex cereal, but I thought banana would be easier since she’d already tried it and didn’t react, plus it’s natural and healthy! I mushed it up and she had a try. She didn’t look very impressed, and she was more interested in eating her new frog bib LOL. She probably ate half a teaspoon, if that, the rest went on her chin, but she was having fun and was happy afterwards. I might try again for breakfast tomorrow, depends if we get some money for bananas…

Oh another big day. I’m utterly *wrecked*! I woke up at 4am to Lily-Rose crying, I decided to go in and settle her without just immediately giving her the bottle by default. After an hour it worked! She slept for one hour after that, then woke up at 6am screaming blue murder! Oh well. Then I got up again and fed her, she went back to sleep then got up again at 8am. I asked Brentyn to do that feed because I was wrecked, he said okay but then groan and rolled his face into the pillow and did nothing. So after listening to her crying for 15 mins and pesting away over and over I just got up myself and did it. Ugh. I did however wake him up at 11am to feed her though, because I needed to clean the kitchen badly.

I finished making my mint m&m choc chip cupcakes, but Brentyn decided *after* I made them that he dislikes the “texture” of frosting, so the whole batch is wasted. Meh. I made him sweet and sour pork stir fry yesterday and he complained because he has to buy the groceries, then I forgot eggs so he had to go back and get those, by then he was grumpy as all get out. When the meal arrived he picked out all the pork and left the veggies and rice (lets just say 99% of the meal) and didn’t even say thank you. I asked him what he thought it needed to taste better and he snapped back defensively at me and said it was fine >_>

I don’t know, he must have just got out of the wrong side of the bed. But I’m not too happy with him today, I gave him Lily-Rose to mind while I cleaned the house (and was I ever, I busted my back working frantically!) and he held her with one arm ignoring her while typing on the computer with the other, then kept yelling at her to stop squirming. ugh. Ten mins later he dumped her in the lounge room alone on the floor in her play gym, he didn’t even TELL me, he just left her in the other end of the house alone to cry.

When I heard her crying I figured Brentyn was in there with her so I let it go, I figured he was letting her “cry it out” and was watching her. Suddenly the crying stopped and when I’d finished the dishes I went in to check on them and here’s Lily-Rose lyring fast asleep on the gym mat, lol. It was adorable, but I still was cross with Brentyn. He needs to understand you can’t just leave babies alone like that! Thankfully she’s not mobile yet!

I’m trying to sew Lily-Rose some clothes, I tried to make my own teddy bear hat pattern but it’s not working out, hmmm, I’m not sure about it. I’d love love LOVE to finish my sewing projects, but i can’t because Lily-Rose barely sleeps in the day :( (or the night, now it seems)

Anyway, this entry is a bit of a vent, but I guess it’s fueled by exhaustion!! Must sleep now!

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