Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Sewing Projects

Now when I think about it I seem to pack so much stuff into a day now. So much more than before I had a child!

Had an AWESOME sleep last night, Lily-Rose slept from 6pm – 8am !! That’s better than most adults! I gave her a late dream feed at 11pm though, so that’s probably what did it.

She had a huge dream feed tonight so I’m hoping for some sleep before the dreaded dentist appointment tomorrow :\ My filling in my molar has fallen out, owchies. Hope it’s not another root canal, expensive!


I made Lily-Rose a hat today with Japanese Kokka fabric, Little Twin Stars! It’s meant to look like this;


But for some reason it looks a whole lot funnier undone on her, haha;


I’m currently making her a summery jacket, but I need to buy some new buttons before I can finish it. I’m also making her a dress out of Kokka fabric :)
Brentyn did the night time ritual tonight, it helped so much :) He’s agreed to do that every second night through-out the holiday period, I’m really excited and hope I can get more work done in that time.

We spent a lot of today laughing at Lily-Roses new little squeals, she just sings and sings and sings, it’s hilarious. She grabs a toy and yells at it haha.  We had a lot of fun playing with her today, she enjoyed it so much, and she loves that Daddy is on holidays. She’s only little but she loves him so much! They’re so silly :)


She also hit a new milestone today (or at least today was the first time we noticed!) she is easily passing objects from one hand to the other. I’m sure she’s been doing this for a while… but Brentyn only just brought it to my attention today.

Lily-Rose fell asleep on the bottle tonight before Daddy got to ready her some Revolting Nursery Rhymes (booo) but I think Daddy enjoyed the sleepy cuddles :)


Oh and she grabbed a few day time naps today, shocking!! Maybe 2 hours sleep all up?? I’m chuffed!


I’m hoping tomorrow, after sending my ebay auctions out and doing to the dentist I can grabs some time to return to the gym again and also get some sewing done, but we will see! I might just take care of Lily-Rose so Brentyn can have a break too, he diserves it after all his hard studying! :) Proud of him…

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